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From my COVID diary

Writer's picture: Naessiamba Eab-Aggrey Naessiamba Eab-Aggrey

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

These few weeks have been nerve-racking for me. Just like a wildfire approaching from a distance, so was the COVID-19 outbreak. It was devastating in hearing how people were dying in a short period.

Illustration of covid-19 virus, created by the CDC

March 7th was the day that the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak hit me. I was anxious, always-on social media gleaning desperately for any information that would benefit and contribute to my well-being. I kept up with news channels to understand what was happening.

The following days were scarier; schools closing, gyms, restaurants, and offices doing the same, as the COVID -19 took over the world like a never-ending storm.

On the 11th March 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak was reported by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic as death rates increased in the United States, U.K, and Italy. What could be more devastating, I thought? Covid-19 has taken the very life of our communities.

One truth, however, seems to remain; though COVID-19 is causing unemployment, exhaustion on the part of front-liners, depression, anxiety, fear, panic attacks, and death; it has made me realize the most important things in life; life itself, family, and not taking things for granted. I must say, I am highly impressed with the switch of most activities online, as some jobs, churches, and schools; this is phenomenal.

One of the most distressing moments, for me, was on the 17th March when I went to the supermarket and found racks empty; no milk, no tomato paste, no chicken, no toilet rolls, and so many items. The essential things to me were gone! How will I survive, I thought? It was hard, and I was running out of cash.

Well, it is about four months since this disease was first discovered. I sit here saying how I feel, but honestly, I don't know when this will end. I, however, believe that if we are united as a people, we will overcome. Not with extreme isolation or suicide but with solidarity, love, care, and a great sense of faith over our fears.

What better way can we deal with this crisis than what I've just told you. Remember to stay home as much as possible, practice social distancing, eat well, exercise, practice good hygiene, and hold on to your faith.

Notes: CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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